Wings of Healing
Denola was shattered when Banji Adenle-Coker, turned his back on her eight years earlier. She had struggled to come to terms with his rejection and she's happy she finally has her life on course, a successful career as well as a fiancé who loves her. As Denola and her fiancé plan for their future, she’s unprepared for the emotional upheaval involved in trying to fit her past into her present. It also doesn’t help that Banji appears to have developed a renewed interest in her affairs. Will Denola be able to move forward into the new life that beckons at her, or will she have to revisit the past in order to step into the future?
Author : Osar Adeyemi
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General
Number of Pages : 204

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