Your Enemy Will Bow
In this age when many struggled consistently with the oppression of the enemies and there activities, Sam Olugboye has a victorious message for you: YOUR ENEMY WILL BOW, if you take heed to God's word in dealing with him. In this life changing book, Pastor Sam Olugboye exposed the identity of your enemy, and most importantly, how to put God in front of your battle and watch him fight for you. The wisdom shared in this book is vital for victorious living. Get a copy, read, and enjoy victory on all sides. Remember, "if God is for you, no one can be against you." (Romans 8:31) AS YOU READ THIS BOOK, YOUR ENEMY WILL BOW, AND YOU WILL ENJOY DIVINE PEACE, IN JESUS NAME.
Author : Samuel Olugboye
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Religion
Number of Pages : 40

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