
Akintayo Akinjide

Books by Akintayo Akinjide

purified tomorrow

It is the year 4041, and the world has only one language- English. To preserve the peace of the present world, the world leaders believe that religion is the cause. And to stop the world from practicing any religion, they set up a secret army- Peacekeepers in a location, Etyes. Carl was kidnapped to be one of the secret army. No one knows why young adults are being kidnapped. And those kidnapped cannot come out to tell the world the secret they know. Follow the Mad awakening happening around the world.

a dread in the spine

At different times, some people saw visions of hell and heaven. Suddenly, someone starts kidnapping them and killing some of them. Nosa is given the responsibility of searching for them. He is forced to do this amidst the love dramas in his own life


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