Communication is supposed to cause something. Thats the point of it. So, I always start by asking my customers about this something. In other words, what do they want to achieve following their communication? I have done this when working with some of the worlds largest companies. And, every month, I do this with thousands of people who want me to help them communicate better. And their answers always fall into one or more of five categories. These have become the five chapters of the book: 1) Get more done, more quickly Communication techniques that save you a week a year 2) Persuade more people to say yes * How to convince others, in ways that leave you both feeling comfortable 3) Enjoy your job more How to improve relationships with everyone you work with 4) Get things right first time Deliver work that impresses, and is exactly what they wanted 5) Eliminate the negatives What to say, to remove the frustrations and stresses you feel all too often Each of these 5 chapters will have 15 short, rapid fire, sections of about 500 words each, presented in a visual way with features added to enhance the reading experience.
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