The year 2021 marks the beginning of a promising decade for Africa. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, the continent continues to be home to seven of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies. Ours is a continent that has continued to give birth to beautiful and inspirational stories, in spite of difficult circumstances. It is on this basis that the Association for the Promotion of African Studies on 25th May, 2021 had her Annual International Conference on the theme: African Ideologies and Innovative Trends and Advances: Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future.
The year 2021 marks the beginning of a promising decade for Africa. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, the continent continues to be home to seven of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies. Ours is a continent that has continued to give birth to beautiful and inspirational stories, in spite of difficult circumstances. It is on this basis that the Association for the Promotion of African Studies on 25th May, 2021 had her Annual International Conference on the theme: African Ideologies and Innovative Trends and Advances: Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future.
The year 2021 marks the beginning of a promising decade for Africa. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, the continent continues to be home to seven of the world’s ten fastest-growing economies. Ours is a continent that has continued to give birth to beautiful and inspirational stories, in spite of difficult circumstances. It is on this basis that the Association for the Promotion of African Studies on 25th May, 2021 had her Annual International Conference on the theme: African Ideologies and Innovative Trends and Advances: Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future.
The year 2021 marks the beginning of a promising decade for Africa. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, the continent continues to be home to seven of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies. Ours is a continent that has continued to give birth to beautiful and inspirational stories, in spite of difficult circumstances. It is on this basis that the Association for the Promotion of African Studies on 25th May, 2021 had her Annual International Conference on the theme: African Ideologies and Innovative Trends and Advances: Honoring the Past and Shaping the Future.
The concept Igwebuike began first as a methodology and philosophy. Gradually, its philosophical elements began to have serious implications for theological discourse, especially with the increasing need to do theology that arises from the philosophy of the African people. Such a theology would always have an inescapable element of philosophy, speaking to people in their own native context, because it is expressed in categories of thought that arises out of the philosophy of the African people. This affirms the reality of the link between philosophy and theology, especially regarding the links between the great philosophical questions and the mysteries of salvation which are studied in theology under the guidance of the higher light of faith. In Igwebuike theology, theology takes on the form of a bridge that connects the human person who lives within the context of a changing culture to God who is beyond the law of change.
In this work, Igwebuike is employed as a unifying concept of African thought, especially, that aspect concerning the human person’s conception of the spiritual and material universe in which he or she lives. It is an explanatory theory or principle that interprets the puzzle of our complex relationship with the non-corporal world and human social life, that is, major social institutions that ensure social continuity and group identity, and further, underpins the epistemological manifestations of the human person’s universe. Different thinkers from different backgrounds in this book have brought different tastes of Igwebuike perspective on the table of discourse on Igwebuike philosophy. A co-relation between Igwebuike and the African worldview was made, followed by a study of the relevance of Igwebuike philosophy within the context of insecurity. The Igbo kola nut, being a very important symbol in Igbo ontology is studied in relation to Igwebuike philosophy.
Igwebuike is essentially a transcendent complementary comprehensive systematic effort to understand the structure and dynamics of reality ultimately for the purpose of giving honest answers to fundamental questions or opinions to questions that arise within the arena of asking questions and questioning answers, selfless enlightenment and furthering of human happiness. In this search for truth, Igwebuike, within an integrated systematic framework, strives beyond all forms of particularities, peculiarities, paradoxes and contradictions and espouses the path of complementation, therefore, showing how realities can relate to one another in a mutually harmonized nonabsolutistic mode. This piece studies the dimensions of Igwebuike, which include its place within the theater of being, and its literal and linguistic meanings. It also searches for the basis of inter-subjectivity in the African worldview conceptualized in Igwebuike philosophy, and this it locates in Chi.
It is generally accepted in some quarters that religion constitutes the second nature of the African people. Religion, no doubt, permeates the way of life of an African. It dictates the likes and dislikes of an African. No wonder J. S. Mbiti observed that “Africans are notoriously religious.”1 Religion is such a powerful force that can be used to make or mar a particular society. It can serve as a tool for unity or disunity depending on how it was employed. In recent times, Africa has been engulfed with series of security challenges and violent conflicts, some of which can be attributed to religious intolerance. In Nigeria, for instance, there are cases of religious crises almost on a daily basis. Human beings are killed and properties are destroyed on the ground of religious violence.
This book is geared towards reawakening the consciousness of the human person, especially the African, about the sacredness of human life and the necessity of peace. It is undeniable the fact that conflict is a natural phenomenon. Yes, conflict is part of nature but we must not remain in conflict. As rational beings, we have to tow the path of conflict resolution; we have to always find a way to make a redress.
The title of the book, Echoes of Hope, has been taken from one of the communiqués of the Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria. It is our hope that this book will enable the voice of the Major Superiors of Nigeria to echo more profoundly.
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