Many people believe that fasting is abstaining from food. While that is partially true, it is only an aspect of fasting which doesn’t give you the full overview of fasting to get your desired results. If you regularly embark on fasting and praying, yet without tangible results to show for it, this book is for you. In it you will learn the following: *Types of Fasts *What it means to Fast *The Ingredients of Biblical Fasting *How often should you Fast and Pray? *How to make your Fast Fruitful *Is a Lengthy Fast more Effective than a Short Fast? *Some Wrong Reasons Why People Engage in Fasts *The Things Needed when Engaging in a Fast *The Importance of the Word of God in a Fast *What to Expect from a Fast *Benefits of a Fast 'The Result-Oriented' Fast is a must-have, if you want to mature spiritually and access certain realities in God.
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