Set in the countryside of Omuokohia, the heroine, Ifeoma Nwonye, battles through misfortunes; from the loss of her both parents at the tender age of eight, to moving to a country town with her grandfather who was her only surviving relative. She finds hope and love again when a young and handsome man, Ichebadu Omodu, arrives from abroad. Ichebadu relates his proposal to marry Ifeoma to his parents, who refuse on the premise that as their only male heir and a potential future leader of his clan, he must marry someone from the same cultural background as this was tradition. Ichebadu rejects his parents position and convince Ifeoma to run away with him to a nearby town. Tragedy strikes again when Ichebadu looses his sight and Ifeoma, not being able to manage her grief plunges into a stream to drown. Does she get a second chance to life; find out!
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