Silver Lining: The Genesis is the moving story of one young man's desperate search for true love and bliss in the heart of one of the renowned ghettos of Lagos. His intimate friend Richard, inadvertently, introduces him to Tina, a beautiful, young damsel, who he finds himself falling head over heels in love with. Has this young man found his heart's true love for keeps... or is it just another desperate chase after the elusive will-o'-the-wisp men call love
SILVER LINING: THE CONFESSION is the sequel to Silver Lining: The Genesis, the deeply moving story of Goddy an enterprising mediapreneur whose disillusionment with the concept of Love led him into series of wrong relationships. He is forced to face the harsh realities of life and survival in the modern city of Lagos as he seeks for true meaning and purpose in a society rife with hardship, betrayals and disappointments. Will this young man learn to weather the storms and emerge truly victorious, despite all the vicissitudes of life that he encounters?
Self–Publishing for Dummies is a guaranteed priceless self–publishing audio book manual that pilot you either as the author, self–publisher or both on a remarkable self–publishing journey. From your very first self–publishing station as an aspiring unpublished writer, you are assured of robust information, authentic education on the maze of activities that lead from actual book writing to an undiluted entertainment in book publishing and marketing.
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