Child Abuse, although becoming a cankerworm in our today’s society, is given little or no attention. This is greatly attributed to the emphasis placed on seemingly more prevalent issues in the society. The place of a child in the society has long been disregarded, hence, the stories hitting the dailies of how children undergo inhumane treatment and abuse of all sorts. This has seen to the emergence of adults whose existence is based on emotional back cry. This is why I have put together my knowledge and experience as a sexual advocate. This book shows the various cases and instances of child abuse, treatment/prevention, and possible actions to be taken in cases of child abuse. It is a complete guide for caregivers, parents, teachers, and all who have children under their watch.
The society has made it look as if the girl child is only meant to be in the kitchen or do all the house chores. The male child should be proper equipped for the future to enable him to be responsible and have regard for the girl child. If this is done the rate of abuse and rape will be reduced. This is why I have put my knowledge and reports from the male child to show various areas parents can equip the male child that will be free of destructive patterns.
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