No One Ever Told Us That: Money and Life Lessons for Young Adults is the much-needed guide for young adults who have completed their education, their apprenticeships, their couch surfing, and their wander years of girlfriends and boyfriends. Now they have their first important professional job, perhaps a permanent romantic partner or a family, or a mortgage or are contemplating homeownership. They are out of the house, but launched into an uncertain world, separated from their parents and early mentors, ambitious but inexperienced and badly in need of a session with John Spooner. In three parts, the book will discuss: Becoming a professional: Guiding the reader through career choices and fresh ways for to look at the world where you spend your days supporting yourself and your families. Becoming financially secure: Searching for an advisor and discovering new ways to manage money to meet changing financial climates. Becoming your own person: Assembling your team, in law, medicine, and financial matters, and in personal relationships with friends and family and those who take care of us daily. No One Ever Told Us That is a series of essential life and financial lessons that every adult needs to read before they embark upon their own life's adventures.
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