In this intriguing realistic fiction, Ruby, an orphaned child bride who suffered from Obstetric Fistula, a debilitating childbirth complication, became stigmatised and ostracised from her community. Having lost everything in the village of Ojiji, Ruby set out to the city of Eko on a path to healing and recovery and a chance to find what lies on the other side of the rainbow.
This narrative free-verse collection accentuates, through a personalised view, the different turns and twists of a woman's life as she emerges into all that she is meant to be. Emerging is an ode to every woman, letting her know that like the butterfly, she has the transformational magic (the will and strength) within her, to emerge from the cocoon of the darkest seasons of her life and become all she is truly meant to be. It's a reminder to press through and learn to find beauty even in broken places.
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