Generally speaking, asking oneself questions provide knowledge and understanding that empower one with the insight to see into the future and therefore, take necessary actions that pay with success. Success is bigger than money. Strive to succeed, not to make money alone. Money never answers the questions asked by success. However, success gives answers to all questions money can ask. Why take shortcuts? Shortcut is not really what it seems, it eventually cut short the journey of success. Every stage or phase of a journey that makes it worthwhile would have been cut off. In other words, nothing worthwhile comes easy, no short route to it. Success requires traveling through the normal route that is confronting and demanding, and at times, draining life out of a person. All these are not to destroy but to prepare the person for the glorious future. Fear, laziness, rejection, criticism, unclear vision and indifference lead many to take shortcut. Shortcut is never a way out of fear, criticism, rejection, etc. It will definitely add to it. It will entrap you to a deep pit from where it would be difficult to come out safe. Taking shortcuts shows a lack of understanding of the need to do what is to be done and what it takes to get it done. I always encourage people to take time to clarify their vision; get a clear picture of it. If you do not know your destination, anyone can direct you.
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