
Ozara Collins Adolf

Ozara Collins Adolf comes hunting for the downtrodden with a golden weapon- his pen. On a redemption mission, he sets to undo the deeds of his forebears.

Books by Ozara Collins Adolf

mute ant

Mute Ant is a collection of short stories and poems that covers a wide range of the happenings and challenges faced in our society today. This Anthology is birthed from the struggles of the African people, especially Nigeria. Which in recent times has been plagued with absurdities which are fast becoming a norm. This book cuts across the boiling political terrain, romantic petals, the pulpits of religious beliefs, undeterred spirit of the Nigerian youth, lifestyle, education and so many theatrics that has graced the Nigerian field in recent times. This book also goes a long way in discussing the situation of things, especially as it has to do with the Nigerian people caught in the web of adhering to some alien civilization from the international sphere and at the same time trying to cope with domestic problems which continue to prove a burden for the citizenry. Mute Ant, though discusses issues beyond the African continent, it paints the picture of the 'hopefuls' in this side of the world. To crown it all, it is a book that should come the way of every mind in this generation. A diversified compilation of short stories and poems in a manner that awakens the human mind to the beauty of poetry. A genuine work with the right combination of clarity, brevity and logic just enough to convey the message of the writer.

na over hype kill 2020

"Na Over Hype Kill 2020" is a satirical work on the Vision 2020 set by the Nigerian government. In this work, Ozara Collins Adolf points out new developments in the political scene, religious circle, scientific field and several sectors he feels are lagging behind in fulfilling the Nigerian dream for 2020. A nonfiction masterpiece that comes handy. In fact, there is no better timing to release this work than NOW. Devour, have a rethink and digest.


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