10 Foreigners who Struck Gold in Africa
Grand Investors is Africa's leading source of investment news, showcasing high profiled investment opportunities and real estate properties across Africa, with the aim of connecting investors with credible deal flows in Africa. Learn the dynamics of Africa‘s business scene. This highly informative magazine delves deeply into Africa‘s natural resources, challenges and how to overcome these challenges. In this issue we look at opportunities in power, real estate, manufacturing and agriculture and you would be surprised to find out that these sectors are still under-exploited. Some of the areas discussed in the magazine include; 1. Ten foreigners who struck gold in Africa. 2. Investment opportunities in the housing sector in Nigeria 3. Read about manufacturing in Africa with a case study of South Africa. 4. Future of banking in Nigeria. 5. Investment opportunities in Ghana‘s Agriculture.
Author : Seyi King
Published : 2016
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Business
Number of Pages : 45

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