Act of Turning Ideas into Profitable Asset
Imagine a beautiful idea you can’t effectively communicate, or that was stolen from you after discus. Do you know how frustrating it could be to have a great idea yet no fund to establish it, or to establish an idea you aren’t making money from? Act of Turning Ideas into Profitable Assets is a book written to accommodate every category of individuals, and to guide you out of such frustrations. It is written to answer questions business starters ask as well individuals who need to establish an idea. This ‘success guide’ helps you realize habits that facilitate great ideas, myths that may stop your ideas, how to protect an ideas, process of attracting resource and funds, process of marketing and monetizing an idea and how to build legacies from them. A success guide for business coaches, entrepreneurs, dynamic writers and every individual who desires to establish an invention, concept, products or services.
Author : Oyejide Ayodele James
Published : 2018
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 76

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