The greatest threat to being all you could be is satisfaction with who you are. There are millions of people who have buried their latent potentials, gifts and talents because they are afraid of failure; while some have settled for less than their best. Revealed in this book, “THRIVE and INFLUENCE” are the top secrets of successful men and women that have walked the earth. This book is well researched, concise and straight forward with the most updated information you need to move from the level of obscurity to become a person of positive global influence. This epic masterpiece will train your mind to start a course, have a staying power to consistently persevere and pursue your life's vision till you achieve your desired destiny. |
Author : Ohaju Obed Ifeanyi |
Published : 2019 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs) |
Category : Personal Development |
Number of Pages : 61 |