Building 360-Degree Influence
Leadership is about making others better through empowering them to be and do their best. Every business and organization needs strong leaders to guide, inspire, and impact those around them, to work together and achieve a common goal. If you are ready to develop your leadership skills, to be someone that motivates others to be the best versions of their true self and surpass goals, then this is the book for you! Building 360-degree Influence guides you from having a manager/positional mentality to developing an attitude of leadership. You will be exposed to applicable principles that would help you gain and build multiple influences. You will be introduced to the various styles of leadership, learn about the effectiveness of each, and determine which style of leader you are. You will learn how to work with different levels of performers and how to inspire them to reach further success, how to effectively communicate and influence others to work towards your vision, and you'll learn how to do it in a way that's both informative and engaging! This book is also full of examples and experiences that allow you to practice what you are learning. Learning from Building 360-degree Influence will benefit you professionally as you gain skills and acquire tools that will enable you to support your team! Leadership can be challenging and complex. To navigate this maze you need to have a strong understanding of yourself, know what motivates your followers, communicate effectively, and more! By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently and effectively influence and support those around you, empower your team to reach goals, and more! What you'll learn ? How to become an authentic, impactful leader that inspires progression change and growth. ? The difference between a manager and a leader and how to be more effective as a leader. ? Understand different leadership styles and determine which style you are as a leader. ? How to motivate your team to achieve goals, improve their skills, and be more cohesive. ? How to achieve results within your organization by being a strong leader. ? How you can build trust with your team. ? How to use creativity as a leader. ? How to create a shared vision amongst your corporation and team. ? How to empower people and influence behavior.
Author : Nelson Amadigwe
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 83

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