Cover Them: Praying Psalm 91 Promises Over Your Children
Cover your children today in prayer by declaring the words in Psalm 91. We currently live in a world where fear rules and evil thrives. Our children live every day surrounded by all kinds of mishaps, stories of war/terror attacks, lawlessness and inhumane acts. It is true that you cannot be with your child every single day, but one thing you can do is cover them in prayer and entrust their safety and protection into God’s hands. COVER THEM: Praying Psalm 91 Promises Over Your Children is the first in the Cover Them Series and contains fourteen promises drawn from Psalm 91, a popular and often recited Psalm in the bible. It will take you on a 14-day journey of speaking God’s promises of protection over your children. Each day comes with a brief reflection and a powerful prayer declaration.
Author : Ufuoma Fijabi
Published : 2023
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Unknown
Category : RELIGION / Devotional
Number of Pages : 52

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