KISS Devotional (Vol. 3)
Victor Okwudiri brings us God’s word with simplicity and power in a pocket-size pack. Developed with the KISS model of learning (KISS being an acronym for Keep It Short and Simple), KISS Devotional offers daily: 1. one or a few more verses of the bible; 2. a ‘bullet’ insight from the bible verse(s) taken; 3. an action point; 4. a ‘bullet’ prayer point; and 5. prophetic blessing for each day, week, month, and year. Now you can have fun reading the word of God daily, even on the go.
Author : Victor Okwudiri
Published : 2021
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : RELIGION / Devotional
Number of Pages : 390

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