Get Set, March!
One of the essences of writing this book is to take you through the importance of building a thought process, which is an essential foundation for successful executing a winning strategy for your vision. Success in any feat is usually a thought away. The quality of your thoughts ultimately becomes a guiding path for your actions and eventual outcome. It is vital you pause at the end of each chapter to reflect on the nuggets of truth learned while reading this book. Also learn how to apply them practically to your organization or any organized system of things you presently are engaged in, as this would be very instrumental to your progress regarding the process of creating a vision of what you want, to the accomplishment of that vision. The goal of this book is to help you simplify every part necessary from the conception of a project to its execution. Too much complexity can also hamper the success of a good project plan. The entire process of strategic implementation, from the conception stage to the project closure, is critical stages that must be appropriately implemented with caution. Every step has its unique methods.
Author : Ben Peter
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 63

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