Help Your Child Deal With Failure -Before it Happens
Why do some people go through very difficult challenges and find it easy to move on? How are some people able to bounce back after going through horrible situations? Failure is an integral part of every human's life, why then are we not taught about it from childhood? Why does society place such a high value on basic education but neglect important life issues like grief, financial intelligence, self-esteem and failure? Many of us who are parents today were never taught these skills, so when we have children, we don't equip them either. How can you teach what you don't know? Therefore, we repeat the cycle of having children that life happens to, and they coast through it never quite grasping the lessons along the way. This book has been written to put an end to that vicious cycle. Imagine a world where children are raised from home properly equipped with knowledge about real-life issues coupled with the wealth of education? Wouldn't that be amazing?
Author : Omeyi Yangs
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General
Number of Pages : 44

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