Strictly For Wives
Every woman desires a man for herself alone but only a few have taken their time to understand the secrets of keeping the man away from the other woman. Unfortunately, many have grown weary and even given up on their quest to keep their men and resigned themselves to fate. Truth is the secrets of keeping your man and building an incredible family is resident in every wife provided we are willing to discover and deploy these time-tested secrets to our advantage. In the book you will find out the major difference between you and the other woman and how to combine both roles to safeguard and affair-proof your marriage. It's not sufficient for the 21st century woman to remain as wife to her husband she also needs to become his concubine.
Author : Praise Fowowe
Published : 2012
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 74

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