The Error Ministers Must Avoid |
In this masterpiece, Samuel Olugboye, having been inspired by God, has brought light to the most prominent mistake of ministers of the gospel. It was the tool the enemy used to destroy the lives and ministerial assignments of some great ministers in the Bible days. It is the same weapon the devil is using against us at this end time. This mistake has brought down many ministries and silenced many ministers in ministry. In this book, God enabled him to bring excerpts from the lives of great men of God in the Bible; you will learn great lessons from their lives. You will see how the mistake caused some of these great ministers to fail in ministry and spoiled their good testimonies before their very eyes. You will also see how it impeded the progress of their ministries after their departure. More importantly, you will learn some timely wisdom to avoid this error. This mistake is a time bomb, and not always correctable, but can be avoided. |
Published : 2021 |
Classification : Book |
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs) |
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / Family |
Number of Pages : 59 |