The Partition Wall Is Broken
As the veil of the temple was rented from the top to the bottom at the crucifixion of Christ, to show that the way to the holiest was then laid open; so, we must approach the throne through the mediation of Christ, and through his sacrificial death. His pierced side is the way to the holiest. Here the veil-his humanity is rented, and the kingdom of heaven opened to all believers. What separated us from God has been taken away by Jesus. We all have access to God now, we don’t need intermediary, human mediator, priest or anyone to stand between us and God. We can come with boldness of speech like a little daughter will talk to an indulgent father. Jesus paid the price to get it done, let us take full advantage of it. With this in mind, no other barrier should stop you from becoming what God has destined you to be in life. On the basis of what Jesus has done we can challenge any obstacles, impediment and walls emplaced by the devils across our parts in any area of life.
Author : Felix Abodunde
Published : 2024
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : RELIGION / Christian Life / General
Number of Pages : 69

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