The Word in You
The Word In You No one can rise beyond the word he has believed. As a matter of truth, the level you are today is the level of the word you stored in your heart. If you want to change a person, start by putting the right words across to such individual, because the word on its own is a creator. Seven things among others this book will do for you 1. It will help you to know the Personalities of the word of God. 2. It will help you to know your heart and how to feed your heart with the word of God. 3. It will help protect your heart from defilements 4. It will show you practical example of how to run with the word. 5. It will help you to see the Faithfulness of God to His word. 6. It will help you to understand the supremacy and the potency of God’s word. 7. It will teach you how to run with the word in your heart No doubt this book is toll that will help you discover and fulfil the purpose of God for your life. Be Blessed!!!
Author : Joseph K Olugboye
Published : 2021
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : RELIGION / Faith
Number of Pages : 62

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