In our word today, the scourge of truancy goes on in a high and increasing rate. The rate at which children, teenagers and youths leave school in search of othernon-profitable venture is very alarming, Strategies are needed to keep kids in school and parents aware of what is going on. Because of technology and with the help of computers, truant students are easier to keep track of and follow now than ever before.There are still many schools, however, that have large groups of students who miss school on an alarming basis. Some schools actually suspend students who are habitually absent. This seems crazy when the behavior exhibited shows that for whatever reason, the student does not want to be at school. The sensible approach would be to discover why the student doesn’t want to be at school in the first place and to see if it can be fixed.
Author : Kelicha Ochonogor
Published : 2020
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Fiction
Number of Pages : 31

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