What You Don't Know is a Big Deal
Ignorance becomes a big deal when you find yourself in a situation and you discover that you can’t get out simply because you don’t know how to get out. If you think schooling and education are the same then consider the following: Only a few people study Accounting or Economics but all of us have financial issues. Even though the study of Science, Medicine and/or Anatomy is a no-go-area for many, we all have a body to maintain and health issues to deal with. We might not be social scientists but we have dealings with people every day. You don’t relish speaking in public but one day, you might be asked to say the closing prayer or give the vote of thanks or perhaps be the MC at your friend’s birthday party. The big question of life is, “How do you manage the different aspects of life effectively?” The answer is simple yet, it’s a big deal.
Author : Terry Mante
Published : 2010
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Teens(11yrs - 17yrs)
Category : Personal Development
Number of Pages : 35

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