Harmonizing and blending Jimmy Cliff's lyrics with biblical inspiration and African proverbial wisdom. 0ver 200 Lyrics of Jimmy Cliff songs with Biblical and African proverbial interpretations A few here in Alphabetical Order: Been dead 400 years; Brave Warrior; Better Days are coming; Born to win; By the Rivers of Babylon; Follow my mind; Hard Road to Travel; House of Exile; I can see clearly now; Look at the Mountain; Many Rivers To Cross; Music Maker; Poor Slave; Setting out of Limbo; Sitting in Limbo; Suffering in the Land; You can get it if you really want; and so many other tracks and tunes so close to my heart, and to many other hearts, as composed largely between the late 1960s and 1980s especially.
As this volume stands, especially directed at Priests, Pastors and Preachers of all strata, indices that may just trigger off flashes of inspiration, apart from the Homiletic Highlights, might just be the African Proverb, the Concluding Concept, or the Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes, as the case may be.
As this volume stands, especially directed at Priests, Pastors and Preachers of all strata, indices that may just trigger off flashes of inspiration, apart from the Homiletic Highlights, might just be the African Proverb, the Concluding Concept, or the Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes, as the case may be.
Pope St. John Paul II will go down in history, arguably as one of the best Popes, if not out-rightly the best Pope that ever ruled the Church or reigned in the Vatican in the modern era. Reasons: The most pastorally oriented Pope, as the distances covered in his journeys are more than distances covered byall his predecessors combined, as he globe-trotted in his pastoral visits the world over.
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