Overcoming Wrong Philosophy
I wrote this book out of a sincere desire to help people see the bright side of life, most especially for those whose lives are filled with wrong philosophies and negative beliefs of life. It will give me great joy to know that the book has helped you and as well opened your heart to fresh and high understanding as regards the philosophies that govern the issues of life. Wrong philosophy about life is as destructive as a disease.-What you see about yourself is what you get. Your ideas and opinions about life go a long way in shaping your real person, positive thinking can bring out the very you from his hiding to become a national and international figure. Your mind set is expected to better your entire being, but when you lose focus with your thoughts, you will scarcely succeed in life.
Author : Blessing Noah
Published : 2022
Classification : Book
Age Ratings : Adult(18yrs and above)
Category : BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth
Number of Pages : 98

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